Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Appalachian Trail Memories

I had an actual letter in the mail yesterday. They are so rare! I should start sending letters to people I know at random times. It would be such a treat!

My letter was from Brady. He sent me an Appalachian Trail sticker and a note about how it happened two years ago. He said he thinks about it often. I do too! It was very fun. It’s a treasured memory for sure! I definitely want to do some more hiking, and maybe even some more backpacking.

I am glad to have a record of the hike. The first post about the hike is HERE. Clicking forward from there, you can read about the whole experience with only one interruption about Lego blocks.

I know just the place for this.

I know just the place for this.


  1. Lauren

    Where? Where? Where will the sticker go? Are you going to leave us hanging? I’m guessing on the front of one of your steps, so you’ll be able to pretend you’re hiking every time you go upstairs.

    Very cool, Brady. 🙂

  2. Peggy

    I love that sticker! Seek fellowship with the wilderness…great phrase!

    (Joe & Katie are leaving tomorrow to go hiking in The Narrows in Zion National Park. And then on to the Grand Canyon. Part of that journey will be hiking down to Havasu Falls. Youngsters.)

  3. Carol

    I just hope you don’t decide to wear the sticker around your neck (shades of The Scarlet Letter )… 😉

    Other than that – I thought of you gents while doing my Ican’tbelieveIdidthis andlivedtotellthetale three-mile hike from Canaan Valley resort to the Nature Center there in WV. You two did a far longer path for days and lived to talk about it. That IS impressive and surely is a lifelong memory. My only unasked question, though: did you and Brady become blood brothers on this adventure? Just askin’…

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