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Clearing the Space

When I built my garden pond, I also built a planter area. I decided to plant nandinas there. They have been pretty, but they have gotten entirely too big. They block the view of the pond from the parking lot. I don’t care for that at all.

Yesterday I tore them all out. I didn’t realize until I started digging that they have spreading root systems. Frankly, it was a little scary. The common name for nandina bushes is Heavenly Bamboo. I think the root system must be in part where they get the “bamboo” name.

A huge, bushy view-blocker.

A huge, bushy view-blocker.

I got everything out, but didn’t have the time to rebuild the edges of the planting area. I will let things dry out (and hopefully kill any remaining roots), then I will consider what to plant next. I really want to put bedding plants there.

I left the sedum in for now.  I will probably remove it too.

I left the sedum in for now. I will probably remove it too.

Now I will need to figure out what to do with all the clippings and root balls. Knowing Baltimore City, there is probably some weird set of rules for taking nandina plants to the dump.

Maybe I'll just run over them with the mower.

Maybe I’ll just run over them with the mower.


  1. Lauren

    If you run over them with a mower, won’t they just become thousands of tiny nandina plants, ready to take root and begin their world domination? I suggest fire as the only reasonable alternative.

  2. Beth

    Moss Rose, Moss Rose, Moss Rose (chant along with me!)!

    • Brad

      Hehe… I’ve been sprinkling seeds in between the cracks of the rocks each year. I have varying success. This year, I had some sprout up by the curb. You can sort of see them in the pictures above. It will be fun to try different flowers each year. What would it be like if I filled the whole space with heliotrope? Mmmm… vanilla scent….

      But moss rose is high on the list of flowers to try. I would maybe cheat and buy plants instead of doing seeds though.

  3. Peggy

    I’ve never had that problem…..having to get rid of a plant because it grew too much. Sigh.

    So you took out the 3 light colored green plants too? They seemed to keep their growing under control. And they looked pretty.

  4. Carol

    It kinda gets me how your thumb is SO green things grow TOO much for you. Then there’s us…we only tend to have things taken out once they die. Even then, sometimes they aren’t removed really quickly. Leaves a big hole while we think about with what to fill the hole.

    On a sunny note, the front garden at Chez Frey this summer is AWESOME! Huge patch of Black-eyed Susans (goldfinches seem to like their centers – who knew?), nice clump of summer phlox attracting butterflies, 2 of 3 mini-myrtles (I know they have another name) blossoming a nice pinkish red. Thanks again for your design and planting prowess there – think of you fondly each time I walk out on the porch…..

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