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Fresh Tomatoes

I’ve had just a bunch of green tomatoes for the longest time, but now my tomatoes are starting to ripen. This is a yellow variety, so it’s a little hard to tell when they’re ready. They do turn red if I leave them on the vine, but once they go red, their flavor declines and they get mushy. Orangish or yellow is best. Even if there’s a little green, they’re still very good. Juicy and fresh and tomato-ey.

But I’m starting to think I might not be able to keep up with the bountiful harvest. They may ripen faster than I can eat them. Mostly, I just slice them and sprinkle sugar on them. Mmm…

They're so soft that its best to carry them on a tray so the stems don't puncture other tomatoes.

They’re so soft that its best to carry them on a tray so the stems don’t puncture other tomatoes.


  1. Lauren

    Sugar? Interesting. I’m a salt sprinkler so I can’t imagine what the extra sweetness is like. That will have to be an experiment – for science! For delicious, delicious science!

  2. Bev Greunke

    HHHHHmmmmmm Sugar and Grandma Royuk Trait!!!! (& me sometimes) <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  3. Bev Greunke

    Meant “A” Grandma Royuk Trait!!

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