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In my working life, my commute has increased with each job I’ve taken. My first school in Seattle was four blocks away. When I moved to Baltimore, my commute became a seven minute drive. When I moved to my house, it was eleven minutes. In Maui, it was fifteen. The animal hospital was 25 minutes away. And now my present school is 30 minutes away – with no traffic.

The challenge is that any routes I take in the morning and afternoon are also being taken by lots of other people, and if there is an accident or other backup, I will have a long commute indeed.

Mornings should be easy, because I will be traveling so early. The trip home on the other hand… Well, I’ll have to listen to the radio and take the least-congested path I guess.

This is from the beginning of my trip home.

This is from the beginning of my trip home.


  1. Lauren

    That is a frightening picture. Those roads look like they want to strangle your road in a big Doc Oc embrace.

  2. Bev Greunke

    That’s one thing “traffic” that I’ve never had to contend with. My biggest fear was hitting someone headed to school going past my house as I was backing out of my driveway!!! ……May God Protect You DAILY From Any Harm!!! <3 Aunt Bev (^_^)

  3. Carol

    For the past week or two I have decided to avoid Rte 7 and the Beltway altogether – using it raises my blood pressure most days – and shoot up Putty Hill instead. It may add a few moments in the am but is usually no longer in the afternoon and tends to be less stressful. Praying you can locate the perfect route (I know you’ve explored alternatives) that combines speed with calm so you start your day refreshed and ready. Blessings on your year, sir!

  4. Kim

    As long as you beat the Social Security end-of-day-rolling-dismissal, you should be fine. It is ok if you leave school at 2:00 pm, isn’t it?

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