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Eggs Goldenrod

Last night I made eggs godlenrod. I can’t believe I’ve never posted about this recipe before. I love it!

You hard boil eggs, tear the whites into small pieces and cook them into a white sauce, put the egg white mixture on top of toast, and sprinkle with crumbled egg yolk. Beth posted a more detailed recipe HERE.

I was curious about the history of the dish, but I wasn’t able to find anything definitive on my quick internet search. It’s not a whole lot different from just having eggs and toast, but it reminds me of many delicious childhood mealtimes and remains one of my favorites.

I like it with lots of salt and no pepper.

I like it with lots of salt and no pepper.


  1. Lauren

    That is a very attractively made and displayed dish, although it’s killing me that you don’t have pepper on it (both for taste and for color). Seriously, put a sprig of parsley on that and it is magazine-ready!

    I think the only time I’ve had that is when you made it for us. A satisfying dish, indeed!

  2. Carol

    How did you know I had one extra* egg in the house as of yesterday (thanks to a science lab for which I had to buy eggs yesterday morning on my way to school) and was looking for a new and creative way to fix some for dinner tonight?! Thank you!!

    [*It is sitting on the counter by the kitchen sink because the 14-egg holder inside the refrigerator is filled. The cat couldn’t possibly roll it off the counter onto the floor while I am gone, could he? He he]

  3. Peggy

    I don’t like yolks….cooked or raw. Blech. Although I do like creamed chipped beef. And the white part of a hard boiled egg. With salt. Lots.

    My family likes this style egg. It’s fun to make but I don’t like the runny yolk.


  4. Lauren

    A search for ‘creamed eggs on toast’ yielded more beautiful photos like yours.

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