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Fish ‘n Chips, But Water Instead of Chips

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! ARRRR!

Last night was choir practice night. I met another Brad! He sings in choir. He said maybe people should call him Old Brad and me New Brad. Then we compared ages and found out we are both 44! Ha! When he asked my birth month, it turns out I’m older than him. I’m Old Brad, not him. Hehe….

After choir was over, I was a little worried about getting sleepy on the drive home, so I stopped in the grocery store to get some fizzy water. As I was looking for the correct aisle, I saw this sign:

Thats all there is in aisle 14.

Thats all there is in aisle 14.

I laughed out loud. The sign was accurate, but my fizzy water wasn’t in that aisle. It was in the soda aisle.


  1. Lauren

    Water and Water
    Chips and Chips
    This sign’s inaccurate
    For Old Brad’s fizz.

  2. Lloyd

    We have another Lloyd at Lincoln Lutheran now. At the end of the year the student body is going to decide which of us gets to keep the name.

    • Brad

      Do you have a backup selection in case you lose?

  3. Carol

    Last time I ate fish and chips, I got food poisoning, so the grocery aisle sign made me cringe a bit. However, I trust you ingested the appropriate fluids to survive your ride home. (Do you just stay over at school on choir nights then?)

    Happy TLaP Day to you too, Matey! Ahoy – it’s Retreat Day in these lands, so we’re all a-scavenger huntin’ ‘n competin’ with our mates all day. (Translation: longest day of the year for teachers.)

  4. Bev Greunke

    Our First Grade Students are talking like pirates today in Arlington, Too!!

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