Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

The Windows

We switched over to heat at school. Unfortunately, it was pretty warm out yesterday, so I opened all the windows of my classroom wide open.

In the afternoon, I was supervising study hall in another room and I heard heavy rain crashing down onto the roof of the building. It didn’t occur to me what was happening back in my room.



One of my co-workers and some of the eighth grade girls closed my classroom windows and cleared all the wet papers off my desk. Fortunately, the information on the papers was already recorded in digital form. That was good, because any place the water came into contact with writing from my grading pen, there was only an orange blur.

Some other good news came at the end of the day: the heat was turned off again. Woo hoo!


  1. Lauren

    Rats. How nice that you had others come to the rescue!
    Sorry for the (beautifully orange) water damage, but I am envious of your ability to open a window. Lucky duck.

  2. Peggy

    Maybe orange blur should be a new grade in the grading scale. But would it beat an A, or come in last.

  3. Carol

    That image reminds me of one day during my first year of teaching when I discovered that the student work I had been carrying in the back of my car right next to the not-so-securely-capped new bottle of laundry detergent didn’t fare well after the sharp turn. Needless to add, everyone got an “A” on their assignments 9(ven those who didn’t turn one in – I had no idea how well the petroleum portion of detergent removes ink from paper.)

    Thank God for computerized grading!

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