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French Vanilla

I was in the checkout line in CVS and noticed a kind of Milky Way I haven’t seen before – French Vanilla and Caramel. I decided to get it.

Are Milky Ways smaller than they used to be, or are my hands larger?

Are Milky Ways smaller than they used to be, or are my hands larger?

It had caramel on top, and vanilla nougat on the bottom. It was just sort of sweet. I didn’t taste anything special. It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t really do a lot for me either.

I’ll just stick with Twix or Zero candy bars next time. Mmm… Zero…


  1. Lauren

    You are not crazy. Candy bars are smaller. I guess that’s better for our health, but they cost more, raising our blood pressure. Grrrrr.

    What’s in a Zero? I’ve never had one. Impulse candy bars are Starbursts or Whatchamacallits. Mmmmm……… candy…….

    • Brad

      It’s like an inside-out candy bar, because the inside is brown, and the outside is white. I think it’s almond-flavored. If you’ve had an almond Snickers, they have a similar taste, but Zero is better.

      Dang it. Now I have to find a place that sells Zeros so I can get one.

  2. Lloyd

    Those are some huge hands you have there.

    • Bev Greunke

      But, Very Nicely Manicured!!! 🙂

  3. Gretchen

    You know what else is huge? The receipts from CVS. I bought one item and I think my receipt was a yard long.

    • Peggy

      Whew! I was worried on what direction this was taking. 😉

      I LOVE Zero bars, even though I pick the nuts out. And they taste really good frozen. I think 7-11 sells them Brad.

      I’m sorry a candy bar let you down.

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