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Two Messages

I gave the message in church again yesterday. HERE it is. I am glad to be able to help out in this way. Without having any formal training in message writing, I’m not sure if I’ve been doing messages the way a seminary professor would like. My messages tend to be pretty didactic. Still, I’ve been enjoying the process every time I do it.

Yesterday my church choir sang at an afternoon Reformation celebration, so I had the opportunity to hear a message based on the same readings I used. It was quite different.

Lots of red.

Lots of red.

Attending the service was fun. I saw a ton of people I haven’t seen in a while. I’ve been in Baltimore long enough that I know people from churches all over town. This service brought many of them together. It was so fun to see them.

The sun was setting by the end.  It was pretty.

The sun was setting by the end. It was pretty.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! That last picture is gorgeous.

    What a blessing it is that you have met so many people, and also that you have been able to serve your church with your well-thought-out sermons. (Also, thanks for making me look up ‘didactic’ this morning.)

  2. Bev Greunke

    I LOVE YOUR POSTS!!! Blessings On Your Week…..<3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  3. Debbie Foelber

    It was great to see you and get caught up yesterday! I loved all the loud singing and the choir sounded wonderful. Thanks for the gardening advice about my lemongrass.

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