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Schoolhouse Greenery

There are a lot of houseplants at my school. A retired teacher who is a member of the congregation is the one who tends them. The plants are amazingly healthy.

These are just a few.  There are many more upstairs.

These are just a few. There are many more upstairs.

I can’t wait for spring to come along so the hibiscus upstairs will bloom, but I don’t have to wait to see the crotons. I always believed crotons were hard to keep alive, but these crotons are actually blooming. Blooming! I smelled the tiny flowers, because tropical plants often have intoxicating scents. These had only a slight flowery smell.

They're tiny.

They’re tiny.


  1. Lauren

    1. Though I have no skills regarding keeping plants alive, I do love that they bring a shot of life to any environment they’re in. (I bought another fake plant for our church’s narthex and stuck it in the corner. That place is wonderfully new, yet drab. I think the green helps.)

    2. You spelled ‘croutons‘ wrong.

    • Brad

      Do croutons grow on trees?

      • Carol

        And just where did you think they came from??

        • Brad

          I thought they were caught in the ocean. They are pretty salty.

  2. Thomas

    No, but apparently spaghetti does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVo_wkxH9dU

    • Brad

      Ha! I’ve heard of that news story, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it.

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