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Non-Snow Day

Yesterday morning the weather report said one to three inches of snow between 9am and 1pm. The county decided school would be two hours late. I thought that was weird, because if they wanted to avoid the snow, starting school right when the snow began wouldn’t be a good way to do it.

I left for school at my regular time because I wanted to avoid the traffic. I had only just arrived when the announcement came that school was canceled. Dang.

Fresh in everyone’s memory was Saturday, when people ignored the prediction, and there was lots of snow and car accidents. Unfortunately for the people who decided to cancel school, the snow didn’t really come this time. There was a dusting, but that was it.

I did a little school work, then went home for a guilt free day of relaxing.


  1. Carol

    (We actually got enough snow in Rosedale to need to shovel a path to the car and dust off the roof and all car windows with the brush/scraper. Go figure.)

    Not unlike yourself, I was already dressed and dusting the car off when the “we’re down” announcement came on the radio. (When you don’t live right next door and have to consider driving with the rest of the Baltimorons, you can’t wait until the last minute to get there, right?) So I made a morning of planning into next week [to buy back my usual Saturday spent at school], then left and graded a few papers while lunching at Panera after getting gas in the car, came home to soak my feet while watching some DVRed TV, then graded the rest of the papers and now get to go in and put everything in the computer and call it good. Could we have one of those days about every ten school days please? I got so much more done than on those stinkin’ 2-hr delay fiascos. End of rant.

  2. Lauren

    Good grief! Do you guys have snow days built into your schedule? Are you going to wind up having school until July?

    I like how your school looks, by the way.

    • Brad

      Yes we do. And we haven’t had that many really. We’ve had a ton of late starts, but only three(?) snow days.

      My classroom is on the second floor behind the pine tree.

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