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One of the former students from my school (and older brother to a couple of current students) had a piano concert last night. It was a benefit for our school’s scholarship fund. It was called a candlelight concert. The lights were dimmed, and there were candles in the chancel. It was very relaxing.

I didn’t fall asleep because I had a bunch of iced tea before the concert, so I had the caffeine working for me. I also took a nap on the heater in my classroom after school.

The music was great! He selected vigorous pieces – lots of notes very fast – and played everything from memory. I enjoyed it thoroughly. He’s going to make piano playing his career. I think he’s got a bright future. He’s only fifteen!

When I first sat down, I could see his hands.  Ones others sat, not so much.

When I first sat down, I could see his hands. Ones others sat, not so much.


  1. Carol

    Having caught the beginning of Emmanuel’s live stream last Sunday morning, I had heard about this concert – so he’s really good, eh? Peabody or Juliard scholarship in his future maybe?

    I’m sorry to have missed this – anything to encourage young people to study “real” music these days is… (cheesh, sound old there!) Glad you got to have the experience. Not much beats good music on a Friday evening. [Unless it’s a Piggy Pretzel Pizza at Pizza Hut with your husband, of course. Voice of experience here.]

    • Brad

      He is already investigating music colleges. He’s going all the way for sure. I’m really excited for him.

  2. Lauren

    Please explain the ‘nap on the heater’ part. I am picturing you curled up on a space heater.

    • Brad

      The heater in my classroom is a big box under the window. It is as long and wide as a bench. When the fan is on, it blows warm air out. When it’s off, there is just radiant heat. It’s a great surface for sleeping on.

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