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Fill ‘er Up

I am often drinking caffeinated coffee these days. Sometimes it’s to help me stay on task when I have a lot of work to do. Other times it’s to stay awake on my long, dark drive to work in the morning.

When I’m caffeinating before driving, it usually means a stop at Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds. Both places have come to know me by my usual: “A medium black coffee with a little ice in it to cool it down.” It’s fun to be known as a regular, but I don’t like to think about how much money I’m spending on coffee.

It wasn't raining yesterday morning.  I took this picture a couple of days ago.

It wasn’t raining yesterday morning. I took this picture a couple of days ago.


  1. Lauren

    I gotta say, for money saving and convenience, there’s just no beating instant. (The crystals, not the powdered. Apparently there’s a difference.) There’s no one to tell to put ice in it, though, so the fame factor is lacking. 😉

    Go, caffeine! Lifeblood of humanity!

  2. Carol

    Coffee now is still cheaper than the emergency room bills if you fall asleep behind the wheel driving home. Just a little perspective there…

    Now, could you fill up at home in a travel mug, then make enough coffee at school to fill the mug again before leaving school? (I know…not as much fun, and no ice cubes…)

  3. Bev Greunke

    One of my lesser known characteristics is that I’m “caffeine free”. No coffee, tea, soda (aka pop), etc. I drink mostly ice water, occasionally juice or wine. That may explain why I am the way I am!?!? Blessings On Your Day…..<3 From Nebraska, Aunt Bev 🙂

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