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Getting Stuff Done

I got a lot of things done yesterday. I had to because I’m going to visit my friend Beth in Orlando for the rest of the week. Woo hoo!

Anyway, I did laundry, I cleaned my fish tank, and I did my taxes. That’s pretty good for me… especially considering my track record in regard to personal organization this year.

Most of those things would make boring pictures, so here are some pictures from my garden:

The redbud trees have serious buds on them. Here is the pink redbud tree:

The buds always com out of the thicker branches.

The buds always com out of the thicker branches.

Here is the white redbud tree. I’m very excited about it. I was told they sometimes didn’t thrive. Mine appears to have made it through the very harsh winter. It also has many flower buds! Woo hoo!

I hope I don;t miss them while I'm gone.

I hope I don’t miss them while I’m gone.

I leave at 10am for Orlando. I’m flying Southwest for the first time in about 15 years.

I also pruned my Japanese maple. I chopped the top off. It’s a short cut to a bonsai look. I’m hoping the large cut will heal over.

I need to re-pot it as well.

I need to re-pot it as well.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! You certainly made up for sitting around before. That is a ton of work. You’ve also reminded me that we haven’t started on our taxes. I guess I know what Friday night is going to hold.

    Have a great time in Florida! I’m so excited for you!

  2. Lloyd

    You should put an adhesive bandage strip on it to promote healing (the tree, not your taxes).

  3. Bev Greunke

    Hope your flight was “uneventful”…..Have A WONDERFUL Time!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  4. Bev Greunke

    When will you be back? I’ll REmail your package then??

    <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  5. Peggy

    Have a great time in the sunshine state! I hope you don’t get eaten by an alligator.

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