Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Working with the youngest students in Computer class continues to be a challenge for me. They act like middle schoolers (or maybe I should say middle schoolers act like them), but they don’t react like middle schoolers. I don’t have the magic voice or magic finger or whatever it is that their classroom teachers use. Still, things have been slowly getting better.

One boy that I have trouble keeping in his seat makes connections with me every once in a while. Today he was asking about my tie. I told him I have a lot of them. He asked if I had one with butterflies on it. I do. I told him I’d wear it in a week so he could see it in Computer class, but I would need to write myself a note so I would remember. He decided to help me out by writing the note for me. He had to ask how to spell “remember”, but it is a fine note indeed.

I will put it in a prominent place on my dresser.

I will put it in a prominent place on my dresser.


  1. Lauren

    Awww… that’s incredibly sweet. 🙂

    By the way, it’s ‘magic teeth grinding’ and, more rarely, ‘magic internal screaming’ that makes the magic finger/voice work.

  2. Carol

    Lauren’s got it, Brad – it’s that whole other conversation you have in your head while your outside is calmly requesting quiet for the 3,000th time. I bet the little fella “rememders” you long into his life…

    Free tip I learned this week: to get an 8th grade gal diagnosed with ADD quiet for an entire period (you read that right – female w/ ADD), I made this deal on Wednesday: you make sure the only time I hear from you is after your hand is up and I’ve called on you, and there’s a piece of pizza in it for you tomorrow (Thursday’s “hot lunch” was Season’s pizza). Worked like a charm and for only $1.50. And now she knows I know she can do it. Mwahaha. [And no, I won’t do that again – wuddaya think, I’m made a’ money? 😉 ]

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