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Yesterday was Lee Majors’ birthday. I was telling my kids about “The Six Million Dollar Man”, and had to show them some clips. I started with the opening credits, then showed a brief encounter with Sasquatch. Hearing that music and those sound effects gave me chills. I loved that show!

As I was looking at the videos in the sidebar, I realized how many comic book shows there were in the 1970’s. This current flush of comic movies is nothing new. We used to watch The Six Million Dollar Man, Buck Rogers, the Hulk, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and Isis. Awesome!


  1. Carol

    Wuddayamean “USED to watch”? Don’t you have the Decades Channel or MeTV? Womder Woman and Superman are on regularly, for instance. They just don’t have quality programming like that any more, do they? Sigh.

  2. Lauren

    That was FANTASTIC!!!! What a rush! We had the Bionic Man toy, where his spaceship converted to an operating table. You could look through the hole in the back of his head to see through his ‘telescope’ eye, and the ‘skin’ on his arm and legs rolled up so you could take out the bionic pieces. *sigh* So cool.

    I am also in awe that the intro to that show was a minute and a half EVERY WEEK. Every week we were told his backstory in detail. That just doesn’t happen any more.

  3. Peggy

    I loved that show too! But my 1st thought when I watched the clip was, “Why is the Six Million Dollar Man so young?” D’oh! He was only 34 when the show started. I was 13. In my memory he was a much older man.

    And I thought it was genuis how they had him do bionic things in slow motion so it wouldn’t seem corny. I loved when the ‘bionic’ music was qued!

  4. Brent


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