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Tie Rings

When deciding which tie to wear, I look at which pair of pants is next in line in my closet. I try to match the color of my tie to my pants. When deciding which ring to wear, I often take my cue from my tie. Am I wearing a tie with stripes? I’ll wear my ring with horizontal grooves. Am I wearing a tie with leaves on it? I’ll wear my ring that looks like a basket weave. It wouldn’t be noticeable to anyone who sees me during the day, but I know that I’m doing it, and it’s like a fun secret I have with myself.

Here are a couple examples of recent pairings. Do you see what the ties and rings have in common?

The tie on the left is a Pepsi tie, so I wore my bottle-opener ring. The tie on the right has octagons on it, so I wore my ring with octagons.


  1. Carol

    Bottle opener ring?! And here I saw a Batman mask and thought “Why?!”

    You be clever, sir – I bet a student or two has noticed but not yet found a way to share his observations with you. Be looking for a young one checking out your stylin’ attire.

    Yea for secrets to have with yourself!

  2. Lauren

    That is very fun. Do you have any ties where there isn’t an obvious pairing, or do you have a ‘basic black’ kind of ring?

  3. Bev Greunke

    You Are Sooooo Coordinatingly Stylish….. Blessings On Your Weekend…..<3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  4. Lloyd

    We should trade 25 or so ties this summer.

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