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Stupid People

Yesterday afternoon and evening in Baltimore was surreal. A bunch of people hurt other people and smashed and burned and looted things. I’ve heard about such things happening in other places before, but I’ve never been so close to it. The actual violence happened in other parts of town, so I never felt like I was in danger, but it was still weird.

Things started at a mall, which is marked with the red “pin” in the map below. The violence spread south and east of that point. My house is the blue dot in the map below. It’s farther away from the bad stuff than it looks on the map.

It’s a shame that the damage these people are doing isn’t just to property, but it’s also causing damage to reputations and opinions. I pray that things can settle down and that people stop being so stupid. Also to keep in prayer: those who had property damage or were injured in the violence.


  1. Carol

    Amen to everything you typed…

    Young whipper-snapper that you are, you weren’t around in 1968 when The Riots happened (following Dr. King’s assassination). Mom & I were home watching the nonsense on TV while Dad went downtown to make a night deposit at the bank. He got home safely and pretty much oblivious of what was going on, but boy howdy were we nervous until we heard him pull into the driveway. So, sadly, this is not new to our beloved Bawlmer…just buried for a while since nothing at the core seems to have ever been adequately addressed. And now I read Al Sharpton is coming to town…what could go wrong there? 🙁

    Heavenly Father, send your spirit of hope and peace to all impacted in any way. Watch especially over any first responders caught in the middle so they can do their jobs without exceptional jeopardy to themselves. And thank you, Lord, for the brave clergy who marched yesterday late afternoon in an effort to restore order and bring hope of resolution. In Jesus’ name…

    • Lauren

      Amen. That was a beautiful prayer, Carol.

      I am imagining your kids might bring this up today. Just in case the young ones need some words of comfort: “Look for the helpers” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LGHtc_D328 Of course, Jesus is our best Helper.

  2. Deborah

    Thanks for letting us know where it was in relation to your house. I was going to ask today if you hadn’t. Praying for all of you.

    Wise words from Carol and Lauren. Thanks.

  3. Peggy

    It’s a shame that the damage these people are doing isn’t just to property, but it’s also causing damage to reputations and opinions. Great line. You should send it to the Mayor.

    Prayers for our city.

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