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I don’t really have a regular grocery store I go to. There is a Safeway right next to my school, so that’s convenient. But if it’s the weekend, I go to a Giant near my house. Or if I just need milk, sometimes I stop at 7-11 or CVS or something. In regard to milk, that means many different brands. They do have different tastes. I try to avoid Lucerne, because it consistently goes sour before the “sell by” date. Other than that, I don’t really have brand preferences.

But here’s the strange thing: the color of the cap for skim milk is not consistent from brand to brand. For some brands, skim is blue, others are pink, others yellow. It seems like there should be some standard. Maybe it’s in the interest of the companies to have different colors so you accidentally buy whole and have to go back for skim.

Pink and blue

Pink and blue

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Huh. Our brands are all different, too. I wonder why? You are right – they should be standardized. For that matter, let’s standardized the cows, too!

    (I just spent way too much of my morning looking for batteries to make my keyboard work. I gave up. This comment brought to you by iPad.)

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