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Yesterday was the last day for kids at school. We had a treat-eating time in the morning. Various kids brought various things. I brought donuts. This is the third time this year that I’ve brought some donuts in. I always get two dozen. One dozen is half glazed and half chocolate frosted. The other dozen is mixed.

The first time I got a box of mixed I said: “These are for kids. Give me only the sweetest kinds of donuts. The more sugar, the better.” The person put the gross un-sweet kind of donuts in the box.

The second time I got a box of mixed, I changed my tactic. I said very specifically: “Give me only donuts that have frosting or are filled.” The person put the gross un-sweet kind of donuts in the box.

I think they must be trained to put the donut varieties that no one likes into the mixed boxes. Why do they even make an un-glazed and un-frosted cake donut? Who likes those?

Yesterday I finally just stood there and told the person exactly which donuts to put in the box. It was a thing of beauty:

The specialty donuts right now are Chips Ahoy.

The specialty donuts right now are Chips Ahoy.


  1. Carol

    I think this is known as the McDonald’s Syndrome. You know: regardless that you already told the order-taker at any given “fast food” establishment that the meal was “for here” and excluded fries, at the end you will always be asked “For here or to go?” and/or “Did you want fries with that?” They’re on auto pilot. Likewise, the DD employee grabs the least-loved doughnut for hiding in boxes with lids so most folks won’t know what they got until they leave and open the box at home or office – then the groans are heard ’round the world. Meanwhile, they only have to part with the yummy, calorie-laden ones when they are specifically requested. This keeps the lovely visual of the display case the longest, no?

    Yours is indeed the question of the day: why even MAKE the gross un-sweet ones then? Anybody? Anybody?! (Bueller?)

  2. Gretchen

    Happy National Donut Day!

    • Brad

      That’s today? Dang, I stopped at McDonald’s for my coffee today instead of Dunkin Donuts. But how serendipitous that I’m posting about donuts today! I didn’t even plan it.

      • Carol

        Don’t know that it mattered – I bought the dozen for my 6th grade advisory and ordered a large coffee as well – got nothing complimentary or reduced price, so…

  3. Lauren

    Huh. That is an interesting thought – why make the un-sweet ones? I think the only reason for those might be for those who dunk in their coffee? You don’t want frosting floating in coffee, just some caffeine-soaked carbs? That would be an excellent question for the management.

    Happy start of your summer!!

  4. Brady G.

    you said ‘serendipitous’, ha . . . wait, what does that even mean?

  5. Peggy

    Mmm…..I’ll take one of those double chocolates!

    And I’m probably the only person who has a donut shop on my bucket list. Just take a look at that swish of chocolate….I could lick my screen it looks so good!


    I heard on the radio that you could get free donuts today….but I assumed the line would be way too long. I opted for something more nutritious instead.

    • Brad

      Have you been to the Fractured Prune on Harford Road?

      • Peggy

        I have not. Do they have Valrhona Chocolate glazed donuts there?

        • Brad

          I’m not sure about Valrhona chocolate. Is that Norwegian? It sounds Norwegian.

          They offer glazes, frostings, and toppings, and after you order, they fry up the donuts, then put whatever you’ve ordered on them, and you eat them while they’re still warm. Mmm…

          But you have to get there early… they close at 2pm or something like that.

  6. Jill

    (Whispers) I love plain cake donuts, especially from DD.

    • Lauren

      It’s YOU!!!

      • Jill

        I used to looooove love love boston creams, but…almost overnight they got too sweet and too big for me. It makes me sad, but the subtle simplicity of nutmeg in the cake donut makes everything better. (You want to try one now, don’t you?? ????)

        • Brad

          It’s interesting to hear a description of the un-sweet donuts like that. I understand what you are saying, but don’t ever feel that way personally. I think the only time I would use the words “too sweet” is when I was talking about something that shouldn’t be:
          “That salt was too sweet”

          • Jill

            Oh, believe me, I understand how crazy “too sweet” sounds. I have sweet TEETH and nothing has ever been too sweet before. It must be a combo of the sweetness and how lousy I feel for the rest of the day after eating one of the big donuts.

            I miss the big filled, frosted donuts. Please don’t tell the cake donuts.

          • Brad

            Hehe… I know how you feel. I rarely drink soda any more because of an acid stomach. It used to be sweet, sweet nectar. Now it’s just liquid fire.

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