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Cooking Casserole

My church makes dinner for a local shelter once a month. Congregation members volunteer to cook a big casserole, freeze it, and bring it to church. There are something like fifteen casseroles, which get delivered to the shelter, where they bake and serve them.

The casseroles recipes are easy to follow. I did it once last September. I didn’t do it again, because I didn’t have time. Last Sunday, the person in charge of casseroles caught me after church and asked if I could do a casserole for this Saturday. I cooked it last night, and I’ll leave it in the freezer tomorrow. It’s called pizza casserole.

Here are the before and after pictures:

That's onion and garlic on the chopping pad.

That’s onion and garlic on the chopping pad.

I snitched one bite.  It was tasty.

I snitched one bite. It was tasty.


  1. Lauren

    Yum! That looks delicious, even in it’s unbaked state! I’m going to need that recipe. Actually, all those recipes.

    (Nice knife skills, by the way.)

  2. Carol

    Wish I knew of a shelter near enough to our own congregation to start up something similar. [When we were at Bethlehem and Nehemiah House was still open (it’s been closed for years now, sad to say), our ladies’ group would do this once/month as well – it was great fun making the food together at someone’s house first, then trekking it over to deliver to the shelter.] Glad Emmanuel can take part in this – and yes, your casserole looks, well, good enough to eat!

  3. Bev Greunke

    MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!! (^_^)

  4. Kristi

    Next time you should double the recipe so that you have one to keep for yourself.

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