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Yesterday I forgot my school keys at home. Ack! Normally, it would mean going home, which would be at least a 90 minute round trip at that time of morning, or it would mean waiting for a co-worker to get there, which would be about an hour wait, because I was there so early.

But I didn’t have to do either of those things, because I have a spare set of keys! Woo hoo! Brad From The Past pulled through again!

I made them at the mall kiosk.

I made them at the mall kiosk.


  1. Carol

    I always wondered why you hadn’t done that after the first thousand times you got burned that way – good for you! Do you keep them in your truck then, or what?

    So guess what we get to do this year: use the back of our school ID cards as building entry devices! Yup – they put electronic card tappers (not swipers – apparently that’s already “old school”.) on each exterior door jam – you have ten seconds after tapping to get in. ‘Course this means now one always has to bring home one’s lanyard with one’s ID card each…………….daggum it. 🙁

  2. Lauren

    Nice work, Brad From The Past! You saved the day again!

    I’m glad you posted this. I made a Secret Key after you talked about that, but I pocketed it last time I used it and need to take it back today. Thank you, Brad Of The Present.

  3. Lloyd

    Why are your school keys not on the same ring as your car keys?

    • Brad

      Too many keys. And although I drive every time I go to school, I do not go to school every time I drive.

      Ha! That sounds like something The Sphinx from Mystery Men would say:

      • Lloyd

        I need a picture of your keys, for science.

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