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Yellow No

Yesterday when I got home, I took a walk in the garden. I harvested a few full-sized tomatoes, but what was most notable were some cherry tomatoes that had ripened. I planted two varieties of cherry tomatoes. The tag for the red variety has gotten buried or something, so I can’t name it. The tag for the yellow variety was still visible. The yellow variety is called “cherry lemon”.

For me, it is not a very good variety. It has very little flavor, very little sweetness, and it’s not that juicy. I was surprised to read the back of the label, because it says just the opposite.

Not for me...

Not for me…

My tomato plants are all crowding together so badly they are starting to choke each other out. I think if I get out into the garden this weekend, I will pull out the “cherry lemon” plant and destroy it. There’s no sense in using the soil up and crowding the other plants if I don’t like the tomatoes.


  1. Lauren

    One of our teachers planted yellow tomatoes at the CDC and I agree with you – the flavor is just not like a red tomato. Plus, it’s hard to tell if it’s really, really ripe.

    I see that your garden motto this weekend will be ‘If it ain’t red, it’s dead’.

  2. Peggy

    We always knew you weren’t a yella fella.


  3. Dad Royuk

    You have been endowed with lots of Mom’s common sense!! Have a great day in the Lord!!

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