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Four Short

I stopped at the grocery store by my school yesterday afternoon. I wanted a snack for my drive home. I got a bag of chocolate covered raisins, and some milk.

When I was selecting the milk, I was disappointed. There was only one brand available, and it was my least favorite brand. It always tastes weird and it goes sour before the expiration date. On top of that, there were no pints. It was only available in 12 ounces. That was four ounces short. What a gyp! Wait… is that how you spell gyp? That looks weird.

It tasted weird, but the chocolate covered raisins were sweet and delicious.

It tasted weird, but the chocolate covered raisins were sweet and delicious.


  1. Lauren

    So how come some milk tastes weird? I have to think it’s from the cow’s diet, right? We used to get a brand at school that often had a very strong ‘corn’ scent to it. It was rather off-putting.

    Sorry about your bad milk, but, bright side: at least you didn’t have to drink four more ounces of it.

  2. Lloyd

    On behalf of the internet, we are offended that you have besmirched our noble Gypsie heritage and demand an immediate apology.

    • Brad

      After I saw the word spelled that way, I wondered about the word origin. It does indeed have less-than-sensitive beginnings.

  3. Peggy


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