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Green and Purple

Happy Birthday to my nephew Daniel! Woo hoo!

When I was trying to decide what road trip to make this weekend, I seriously considered visiting an African violet greenouse that I went to many years ago. They sell a wonderful variety of plants. The big drawback is that it’s in western New York state – a five our drive away. I decided not to go.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about walking through a greenhouse filled with beautiful greenery, so I went to Homestead Gardens down by Annapolis.

So green and beautiful.

So green and beautiful.

It was amazing and restorative. I walked through the whole place three times. I was most excited when I passed by the checkout, because there was a drink cooler there with the most delicious grape juice I have ever tasted. I’d had it on a previous visit, so I knew how good it was.

So flavorful and sweet.

So flavorful and sweet.

I did get some plants. It’s been a long time since I got new houseplants. I got the Purple Passion plant out of a sense of nostalgia. I got the Rattlesnake Plant because it looks like someone colored on it with a magic marker. I haven’t yet decided where they will go in my house, so for now they’re on the dining room floor.

The new additions

The new additions


  1. Lauren

    I think I know what your next house should be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30ghnDOFbNQ Skip ahead to the 2:40 mark to see what they’re up to. Your house inside a greenhouse! Think of the plants you could grow!!

  2. Bev Greunke

    Happy Birthday, Daniel!!!! AND Happy Valentine’s Day To Brad & ALL His Friends!!!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

    • Lauren

      …. and a Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too! 🙂

      Happy Birthday, Daniel!

  3. Carol

    Gus doesn’t “do things” to plants left on your floor then? Good kitty! We gave up on any house plants – regardless where they were put – eons ago. Sigh.

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