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Dining Lessons

There was a spaghetti dinner at my school last night. I sat at the entrance and helped sell tickets.

At the end of the evening, the workers got to eat. I ended up sitting at a table with four eighth grade boys. When we first sat down, we all grabbed rolls. The boys slathered their rolls with butter, most of them not even cutting the roll open. Then they chomped big bites out of them. I explained that if they were in a fancy restaurant, they should tear off a small piece of roll, butter it, then eat it. They listened to me, and may one day remember it when they’re in a fancy restaurant.

There was a table centerpiece that used a wine bottle. I resisted the impulse to teach them a little something about wine, because I didn’t think they would remember it until they were of drinking age. I also didn’t tell them how to eat spaghetti in a genteel manner. I’m glad I didn’t. I wouldn’t have made a very convincing demonstration. I had a speck of sauce on my shirt. I didn’t see it until I got home.

Its small but noticeable.

Its small but noticeable.


  1. Lauren

    I didn’t know about the bread pieces. I break it in half and butter both sides. Thank you for the tip!

    Long ago, I read a funny idea for a dinner party. Everyone was supposed to dress up in their finery, then the host gave them aprons, a spaghetti dinner…. and no silverware. I’d like to see that.

  2. Carol

    Ha – you say you got a speck of sauce on your shirt? Microscopic compared with how I normally leave any meal involving a red sauce Then, of course, we females have that shelf issue as well… (I know -TMI.)

  3. Peggy

    Too bad you weren’t around back in the ’50s to teach people your genteel ways:


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