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I haven’t been to the grocery store in a while. My most frequent need is milk. When I’m coming home from school, I want to get in and out of the store quickly, so I stop at a convenience store for milk.

I haven’t had any problems with convenience store milk being spoiled or spoiling early, but the selection is usually limited. I normally drink skim, but when I shop at convenience stores, I take whatever I can get. Two milks ago, I had to get 2%. It made my Carnation breakfast drink so creamy and rich.

My current milk is whole. I don’t remember the last time I bought whole milk. It’s so decadent. Mmm… My morning Carnation is like frosting or melted ice cream… so rich and fatty…


  1. Carol

    I also think I’m drinking melted ice cream whenever I get whole milk – enjoy that ice cream for breakfast!

  2. Lauren

    I don’t know if I could stomach whole milk, and I drink 2%. How is your system handling it? Your next step is to get a stick of butter and use your Carnation powder like Fun Dip.

    • Deborah


    • Kristi

      I don’t suppose you would want to try raw milk either, eh? It might make your stomach “curdle.”

      • Brad

        I had raw milk at Gina’s house when I was in high school. My biggest curiosity right now is about camel milk. It’s hard to find though. Maybe it could be a Quest this summer.

  3. Debbie

    I tried almond milk once and it was good, way less calories, but learned, not soon enough, that you have to shake it! My first bowl of cereal was tasteless and milk looked watery? Shake!

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