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A Working Washer

My new washing machine was delivered yesterday! Woo hoo!

Besides being able to wash my clothes again, I also was motivated to tidy up my basement a little, which was nice. But I don’t like how dirty my walls and floor look next to the sparkling clean washer. Maybe I should mop down there. Another day perhaps…

So pretty.

So pretty.

I got this washer on the recommendation of Consumer Reports, so I feel pretty good about it. It does have a lot of knobs on it though. It’s a little confusing. I think I have all the special extras turned off for now. Here’s hoping I have it set right…

There is no water level dial.  It has an automatic sensor of some kind.

There is no water level dial. It has an automatic sensor of some kind.


  1. Lauren

    It’s so swanky! It looks like the dashboard of an expensive car. I’m trying to read all the options and it looks like it might be stressful trying to make some decisions. What if you need a speed wash for bulky items? 😉

    Long ago I saw a Rober washing machine at the store. It had two dials: small/medium/large and hot/cold. You pulled one of those to turn the machine on. It was only a hundred bucks or so but the salesperson warned me away: “It sounds like a tank is trying to drive through your house.”

  2. Carol

    Nothing beats having a new functioning washer, sureyabethca! Our washer has its own water level sensor, too. Here’s hoping your cycles are not as goshdarnedspiderwebsformonyournosewhileyouwaitfortheend long as ours, though. Cheers!

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