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Lower on the List

I’ve had a bunch of things on my list to do for a while. I seem to be able to concentrate on only one thing at a time, so I’ve had to prioritize. As things move to the top of the list, they get done. Before that, I don’t even think much about them, because I just can’t.

My aquarium has been on the list for a while. It’s infected with cyanobacteria algae, so it really needs help, but my tube mechanism for removing and replacing water was broken. At one point, I did successfully buy a new tube, but it requires some assembly, and assembling the tube has been lower on the list than other things.

The plants in my tank have been smothered by the cyanobacteria, so it’s too late for them. The fish don’t mind at all. In fact, the water is probably really clean because of the chlorophyll action of the algae. It’s gross though. I hope it gets to the top of the list soon.

If it weren't so creepy, it would be kind of cool and weird looking.

If it weren’t so creepy, it would be kind of cool and weird looking.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! I was not expecting that picture when it popped up! It’s so green! You’re probably right about the fish, too – ponds aren’t cleaned out in nature and those fish do just fine.

  2. Bev Greunke

    “Gross” Indeed…..Can’t Wait To See The “After” Picture!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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