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Some Things before Leaving

Since I didn’t have any obligations for church yesterday, I decided to visit a place I’d never been: a Roman Catholic church just on the other side of the hospital my old church is next to. I’ve driven past it many times, but never been there.

It was a nice service. The priest was very energetic. The people were nice. I sneaked a picture during communion:

There were six statues up by the altar. I wondered who they were, but didn't stay after the service to go up and look.

There were six statues up by the altar. I wondered who they were, but didn’t stay after the service to go up and look.

I had a little bit more shopping to do before my trip today. First, I had to find a traveling litter box. I had already purchased a new box for the trip, but it didn’t have a lid. I needed a lidded box. I went to several stores before finding the right size container at Staples.

Litter box?  Check!

Litter box? Check!

My other task was to get some books. I want to add to the books we study in Literature Class, but I want to find ones I think the kids will like and that are good books. I bought four books. All but one of them are Newbery books. The one farthest to the left is set in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus. The two in the middle are stories from the time of Nazi Germany. The one farthest to the right elicited a comment from the girl at the cash register. She said: “Oh! This was my favorite book when I was a kid!” I was happy to hear that. I hope I like it too.

I like reading middle school books.

I like reading middle school books.

I’m on the road early today. It’s the first day of my trip to Nebraska! Woo hoo!


  1. Carol

    Gus’s diary:

    Day one – held hostage in this moving box-on-wheels. Looking out the windows gets old after a while. My sunbeams keep moving so I can’t even take a decent nap. Whatever is this human up to?!

    Please excuse me while I go use my litte – – – WHAT’S THIS?!?! Oh, he’s got some ‘splainin’ to do, Lucy!

    –until next entry…if I make it….

  2. Deborah

    Good choices. I like reading middle school books, too. I really like Richard Peck books. I have a few you can read while you’re here.

  3. Lauren

    Safe travels! I hope everything goes splendidly and can’t wait to hear about In The Car With Gus, the new middle school book that you will write. 🙂

  4. Bev Greunke

    I Hope I Get To See You While You Are Here…..Safe Travels… <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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