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Yesterday I took a break from working on the porch so I could help with VBS at my church. I will be doing it all this week. I am the Storyteller. It’s nice, because the materials supply a script and suggestions for objects and activities to involve the kids.

I was nervous and excited, so I missed the beginning gathering in the morning, but here is the ending gathering at noon:

A nice-sized group.

A nice-sized group.

I was also excited about my storytelling room. I used the coffee and donuts room of the church. I blocked all the windows to make it dark, filled it with various potted plants, and lit it with blacklights. The kids liked it.



Today we talk about Jesus and Peter walking on water. The book suggests having the kids walk across a cornstarch/water mix, which is liquidy if you’re slow, and solid if you’re fast. I’m doing it! It will be so fun!


  1. Lauren

    Wow! The blacklights really are a nice touch!

    I’ll be interested to hear how the cornstarch thing works out. One of our college staff was one of the storytellers and he told me that was one of the suggestions. St. John didn’t do it, so I’m curious to see if it works. I saw someone demonstrate on a giant tub of it on some talk show long ago, so I know it can be done.

    Have a great day, Mr. Storyteller!

    • Brad

      It worked really well! Some of the kids knew about it though, because they had already been to a different church doing this same VBS program.
      I did have to vacuum a lot of corn starch out of the carpet 😉

  2. Deborah

    How many times do you tell the story?

    • Brad

      I do it four times. We have about fifty kids at our VBS.

  3. Carol

    Ooo, I like that cave -er – story room! I;d listen to stories in there!!

    Oobleck can be hit or miss; let us know how yours turned out.

    Glad you could be out of the direct sun at least part of yesterday. Today is starting out less vicious – hoping it continues…stay safe!

  4. Debbie Fettig

    Yes, cavey. Love it! Oh yeah, get those kids feet gooey and make a memory for them!!! How exciting! Good for you to help VBS!

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