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Slow Drain

Yesterday was another day of VBS, but it was over at noon. I stayed a little late to clean up from yesterday and set up for today, then headed home. On my way home I stopped at Lowe’s. I’m looking for porch railings. I didn’t find any, but I did find a zip-type sink un-clogger.

My upstairs bathroom sink has been draining slowly. I have tried several things now, but decided to give a mechanical cleaning method a try. I’ve seen these little zip un-cloggers, but never tried one. Until now.

Simple and cheap.

Simple and cheap.

I got nothing. There was a little bit of something dark on one of the sharp thingies, but other than that, nothing.

I’ll have to find another way to make my sink drain faster. I suspect the problem is after the P-trap.


  1. Lauren

    Yeah, those zip things are for people with long hair. You would faint dealing with my drains. *jibblie*

    What is going on with that bowl of little soaps? Are those the shower soaps that are too little to use? I must know!

    • Brad

      You are correct – they’re old shower soaps. I keep telling myself I’ll do something useful with them, but then I keep just leaving them in that bowl. I do wash my hands with them every once in a while.

      • Debbie Foelber

        You can put them in a jar and add boiling water and stir until they dissolve. Then remold them using empty plastic containers. Set them outside to dry.

        I used to unclog my sink at school with mass quantities of vinegar and baking soda.

  2. Deborah

    I use one of those unclog drains in my house with 3 people with long hair. It’s disgusting but satisfying. Kind of like popping a zit.

    • Bev Greunke

      Made Me Laugh Out Loud!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  3. Debbie Fettig

    OH dear, I almost can’t even talk about what we got out of my drain when we were redoing the bathroom….and might I add that it had NEVER been “zipped” for like a lot of years…….I thought Mark was going to throw up in my ear! (as he was on the floor and I was leaning in to see) And then I thought I was going to throw up on his head! OH my JEEPERS CREEPERS, it was like an alien. We didn’t talk about it for weeks, couldn’t. Consider yourself VERY lucky. I was even leary to read your post from the flashbacks I was having after seeing the words “Slow Drain”. Needless to say I have a very regimented hair ritual now and NO hair, not even ONE, goes down the drain.

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