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Unusual Combi-grape-tion

Last night, we had a picnic to commemorate the end of VBS. It was inside because it’s been so hot here. I think it would have been inside anyway, because that’s just easier, but that doesn’t really matter for what I wanted to write about.

The main dish was hot dogs, and families brought various items based on what letter of the alphabet their last names started with. Someone who was assigned dessert brought something from a grocery store that was very curious. It was a chocolate mousse tart thingy that had fruit on top.

When I think chocolate and fruit, I usually go with strawberries or raspberries. This tart did have raspberries, but it also had blueberries (which isn’t too weird), and grapes.

Grapes? And chocolate? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that combination. I mean, I really like chocolate covered raisins, and raisins are made of grapes, but non-raisined grapes with chocolate? That seems a little weird. Everybody at the picnic thought so too. At the end of the evening, the tart was all gone except for the section with grapes on it.

My camera actually did a close-focus!  I never get pictures like this.

My camera actually did a close-focus! I never get pictures like this.

I was helping with cleanup and had to try it. I pulled off a grape and scooped up some mousse and ate it. It wasn’t bad, but it was unusual and not really to my liking. I don’t think I would eat a whole piece of chocolate tart with grapes.


  1. Lauren

    But…. Grapes are removable and chocolate tarts are delicious. I’ll eat it.

    Sorry. I’m hungry and thinking with my stomach.

    Hooray for VBS being over! I hope you had a great time!

  2. Carol

    I like that “bring food that begins with the same letter as your family name” idea for future church potlucks, too. Did it seem pretty balanced that way? Were the tarts brought by the Thomases, or the Fredericks (for the fruit) or what?

    Yea for ends to VBS! I’m already tired running about getting snacks, etc., for ours next week. Say, I tried to slip something in your mailbox while I was running errands today – Harford Road closed all day!! Was there a big block party? I thought I saw a big white tent blocks past your house. And if there is a back way to your house from where I had to turn right, I never found it. So…the goodie we found on vacation will get to you someday later. No worries – it’s not perishable.

  3. Debbie Fettig

    Yeah, grapes just need to be in chicken salad. Or better yet, as WINE!!!!

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