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Nothing Happened

My flight went perfectly yesterday. No turbulence, no delays. In fact, I arrived a little early in Minneapolis. By the time I walked to my Baltimore flight, I got on board and just took off. I was in Baltimore on time at 12:00pm. I think it was the most uneventful and trouble-free flight travel I’ve ever done.

We flew over more than one Great Lake.

We flew over more than one Great Lake.

When I got home, I didn’t do much. I unpacked a little, ate something, then sat on the couch and slept. Then I slept some more. And a little more. I’m not sure how long it was, but it was way longer than a usual nap.

The rest of the day I was pretty groggy. I went to bed early because today I’m at school again and running on my regular school schedule… early to rise beats the traffic!


  1. Carol

    ‘Sabout time you got an uneventful flight somewhere!

    Blessings on your day back – I imagine it will seem a bit hectic due to your inability to simultaneously be here prepping and be home with family (what? You’ve not cloned yourself yet? Slacker….), but hang in there. You’ll get that rhythm back soon (why am I thinking Gloria Estefan now?)

    • Brad

      We don’t officially start until Monday, so I have some time still. I’m glad. I’m not quite ready.

      Blessings on your first day though! I hope everyone is excited and ready for school!

  2. Lauren

    Yes! An easy flight is just what’s due to you. I’m so glad you didn’t get stuck in Minneapolis. I’m guessing the houseplant in your suitcase didn’t raise any red flags?

    I hope today is a good day of getting ready. 🙂

    • Brad

      My suitcase got searched. That seems to happen to me a lot, but then again, I do pack weird things in my suitcase, like potted plants.

      They kind of smushed the plant back in, and there was dirt all over my clothes, but it looks like it’ll be okay.

  3. Kristi

    An eventless trip was good, right, and proper. Hope your day goes well.

  4. andrea

    Been thinking about you and your family. I’m glad you got to all be together and enjoy memories of your dad.

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