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Back to Work

Yesterday I was back at school. It was the first day for many schools in the Baltimore area, but we don’t start until Monday. Tomorrow is an open house day, then Monday we start with a half day of classes. I’m glad to have some days to work. I’m not ready. After the weekend, I should be in good shape.

When I got home, I felt like I should get a little more done on my porch. I painted the columns some more. I got all but one finished. The one left is kind of tricky because there’s a bush in the way. I didn’t want to problem-solve, so I decided not to do it.

I still had a little energy left after painting, so I trimmed the tree in front of my house. I’ve been letting it grow over the sidewalk to shade the passers-by, but it was getting too low. I didn’t want a twig to poke somebody in the eye. Time for a trim.



When I got back inside, I turned on the TV. I was reading the TV guide, and was so excited to see that there was a show called “Epic Houseplants”. What? An actual show about gardening? I hadn’t seen such a thing since the early days of HGTV. No one does gardening shows anymore. And what a cool name! Epic Houseplants! Awesome!

Epic Houseboats

Epic Houseboats

Dang. It said “Epic Housboats”. It wasn’t a show about houseplants. I turned the channel and watched the end of X-men instead.


  1. Carol

    HA! I do stuff like that all the time, kiddo – “Epic House Whatever I Thought I Saw but That Wasn’t Really It”. Welcome to the club!

    Glad you have some more prep days; I had to hit the ground running yesterday after an early morning MD appointment and still feel behind, but this weekend will get me all caught up (…yea..sure…)

    …and what a responsible neighbor you are; wish some of the good people of (insert name of my old walking path here) did that – I often had to leave the sidewalk due to plant over growth. You rock.

  2. Lauren

    YOU should make a show called Epic Houseplants. You would have a loyal following.

    Hooray for your productive day! Here’s to another!

  3. Deborah

    I wish there were gardening shows, too. I used to watch The Gardening Guy and one with a lady named Rebecca. Or Rachel. I haven’t seen those for a long time.

    Blessings on your school prep.

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