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Future Blooms

Last night was our Parents to School night. I didn’t take any pictures, so I’m going to post about something I did on Saturday.

I like spring bulbs, but I have a hard time finding a place to plant them in my garden. On Saturday, I went to the home improvement store several times in the process of putting in a new faucet. One of the times, I ended up impulse-buying some hyacinth bulbs. Mmm… hyacinths smell so good…

But as I said, there wasn’t a place for me to plant them in the ground, so I decided to plant them in pots. This way, when they bloom, I can put them in a high-traffic area and enjoy their beautiful color and scent. When they’re done blooming, I can simply discard them, or I can let them fade in an out of the way place.

They're pretty big pots.  My foot is for scale.

They’re pretty big pots. My foot is for scale.


  1. Lauren

    Holy Hyacinths, Batman! Those are a lot of big bulbs! Big, big bulbs in some big, big pots! (I’m mixing childhood exclamations now.)

    We had a staff meeting last night and one of my coworkers is re-potting some plants to put in my classroom. I tried to nicely ask for no plants, since I kill them. Was that mean? I have to think that it’s nice for plants, right?

    • Brad

      Maybe your co-worker would take care of them for you.

  2. Kristi

    That’s a great solution! Will you the pots on your new porch? Then you can walk through the springtime smells every time you go in or out.

    • Brad

      Yes, I was thinking I’d put them by my path to the door somehow. Maybe on the porch. The pots aren’t filled with dirt all the way down so that they’ll be lighter when I try to move them.

  3. Debbie Fettig

    awesome idea!!! I LOVE them too and their smell is just incredible!! Hhmmm, I’ve never dealt with bulbs…..hhhhmmmm

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