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Yesterday morning, I stopped in the staff room bathroom to get some toilet paper to blow my nose. Someone at my school prefers the “under” orientation for toilet paper. I am a staunch “over” person, but I rarely actually use the toilet paper in the staff room, so I left it the way it was.

How are you supposed to grab this?  This is clearly the wrong orientation.

How are you supposed to grab this? This is clearly the wrong orientation.


  1. Lauren

    Those people are cruel. Just cruel. Especially with a rough concrete wall behind the paper! Someone’s going to scrape their knuckles.

  2. Kristi

    I agree! Over is the preferred and CORRECT method. How did you resist the urge to fix it?

  3. Deborah

    I’m just happy if the tp is within reach.

  4. Debbie Fettig

    Oh yes, OVER and I would have HAD to change/FIX it! Lessons must be taught in all realms of the school!

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