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Before I tore out my tomato plant for the winter, I took off as many tomatoes as I could. There were a LOT of them. The red ones I harvested are eaten (or rotten – there were a LOT of them), so all that’s left are the green ones. I tried to take green tomatoes that were big and felt heavy.

I’ve just had them on my kitchen counter top. They are slowly starting to turn red. I’ll be curious to see if they taste the same as vine-ripened ones. I’m pretty sure they’ll still taste better than grocery store tomatoes.

It looks like I'll be eating them well into November.

It looks like I’ll be eating them well into November.


  1. Lauren

    Mmmmm….. Even green, those still look amazing. Could you fry some? Home-grown tomatoes are the bomb. A lady at the nursing home was telling me how to get a starter kit and have a bumper crop. Dang it – everyone knows how to grow tomatoes.

    • Jill

      I don’t. Mine were a mess this year. Maybe it’s because I want them to grow SO BADLY…they can sense my desperation.

  2. Kristi

    My parents wrap each tomato in newspaper and then let it ripen. They ripen, and they still taste delicious.

    • Debbie Foelber

      My Mom always did this. We had tomatoes until November. She stored them in a basket and we had to check them every few days. I usually let mine ripen on the counter or make fried green tomatoes.

  3. Debbie Foelber

    Also… take the stems off and store them stem side down.

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