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Spot Remover

Between class periods at school, I stand out in the hallway to help ride herd. As I stand out there and notice scuff or smudges on the floor or walls, I remove them. Sometimes it’s as simple as rubbing my foot on it, sometimes I go all out and get a sanitizing wipe and rub at a spot until it disappears.

The hallway immediately outside my classroom is pretty spotless now, so I only see something to remove only sporadically. But yesterday, as I went around the corner to the eighth grade hallway, I saw the motherlode:

Spots aplenty.

Spots aplenty.

The wall is covered with smudges and spots. Woo hoo! I plan to work on it steadily from now on. Perhaps in a few months, I will have it completely cleared.


  1. Deborah

    Good for you! We are blessed with amazing custodians that wipe down the walls, so I rarely see spots. But I do remove shoe marks on the floor when I see them. It is quite satisfying.

  2. Lauren

    Time lapse, please. That is going to be awesome!

    How on earth do scuff marks like that happen? We have a section of wall in the school-age room where they scuffed it up in one day. One. Day. Do backpack manufacturers make them out of markers?

  3. Kristi

    Add another hat to your collection: Professional Spot Remover.

  4. Debbie Fettig

    MAGIC ERASER!!!! I don’t know what’s in those things but they are truly MAGIC!! You need one that’s about 3’x4′! LOL

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