Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Playing Hunter

Last night I was trying to get a bunch of last-minute things done. I was picking up some papers from the floor, when a mouse suddenly ran across them.

“Get it, Gus!” I yelled.

Then I realized that Gus had brought it into the room. He caught it, then carried it around in his mouth, then let it go, then caught it again. I kept praising him. After being in another room for a while, Gus came back empty-handed. (or should I say empty-mouthed?) Is the mouse dead somewhere in my house, or did it escape to exact its revenge later?

Good boy!

Good boy!

I fly to Nebraska today. For those who like to play along at home:
Southwest #4357
Depart Baltimore 9:15am
Arrive Chicago 10:25am

Southwest #3403
Depart Chicago 1:15pm
Arrive Omaha 2:45pm


  1. Deborah

    I hope you enjoy your flights.

  2. Bev Greunke

    Wish The Weather Was More Pleasant (and I’d have read this earlier), I Would Come To Surprise You At The Airport In Omaha……Guess You’re In The Air Right Now…..Christmas Blessings & Love…..Aunt Bev 🙂

  3. Carol

    At least Gus knows what to do with the rodent – we once had to lift a sofa up to show a cat where the prey was and encourage dispatch. Not exactly college material, that one.

    Enjoy the visit with family – glad to have seen you recently – praying you rest and recharge a bit for the home stretch of the school year. Blessed Christmas to all Royuks everywhere!

  4. Lauren

    Go, Gus! What a mighty hunter!

  5. Karla

    One of our cats recently brought a mole into the house! My 8yo son sceamed like a little girl. My 10yo daughter screamed like a little girl. I screamed like a little girl! We hid in a bedroom and made Arron dispose of it.

    In a side note, those things are LOUD!!

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