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Kit Kat Spot

The “spot” in the name doesn’t really work, Gretchen. Sorry.

I was at the Asian grocery store and saw some Kit Kat candy in the checkout. I know that in Japan, there are crazy flavors available. On closer inspection, this was not too crazy of a flavor: “Butter Cookie”. I decided to get them and see what they tasted like.

There is not much English on the label.

There is not much English on the label.

It tasted kind of like white chocolate I guess. Sort of vanilla-like. I think I like regular Kit Kats better.

The coating seemed a little thicker.

The coating seemed a little thicker.

Maybe if I bake them, like they say on the back of the wrapper, I would like the flavor better.



I know, right? It’s weird. I found English directions online, but I forgot to look until this morning. Maybe I’ll try baked Kit Kats later today.


  1. Lauren

    Baked? Baked??? I’ll need to look that up, too.

    I’ve watched enough tours of Japanese apartments (they’re tiny, so I’m obsessed) to know that their ovens are just big enough to hold a Kit Kat. That’s probably how this came about. 🙂

  2. Lauren

    “These have been specially developed for baking. Please do not try to bake other Kit Kat products.” Yeah, or you’d have a melty chocolatey mess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkHE3jiA45w

  3. Gretchen

    Well, it was a good run for spot.
    The baked picture looks like creme brûlée. That would be enough for me to fire up the oven.

  4. Bev Greunke

    I would prefer the “vanilla” over the chocolate….:-) MMMMMmmmmm creme brûlée….First experienced that when I was on a cruise with your dad & mom!!! 🙂

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