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Something Old, Something New

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Yay!

The middle school went on a field trip yesterday. We went to the International Spy Museum in D.C. I’ve been there a few times before. It’s a really cool place. I thought we would go down I-95, but the bus driver chose to go down Highway 29. When he got closer to D.C., he took the exit for Highway 200. I was so excited! I’ve never been on Highway 200. It’s a new toll road near D.C. By new, I mean a few years old – but I’ve never been on it.

I thought of an online question I saw just a couple of days ago. The question was: “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” My answer to that question is: yesterday! Woo hoo!

We were only on it for the space of one exit, but still...

We were only on it for the space of one exit, but still…

The spy museum was fun, but the kids went through it quickly, and I was constantly worried that they would accidentally ruin the museum experience for other visitors because they were a large, loud mob. I think they did ok. The most popular attraction was a bar you could hang from to test your James Bond skills.

She eventually got to 27 seconds.

She eventually got to 27 seconds.


  1. Lauren

    That sounds super-fun! I want to do a James Bond-style test. I think I would only excel at the martini-drinking portion.

  2. Bev Greunke

    “Top ‘O The Mornin’ To You, Too!!!” Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! Do you have a Green Tie On?? (I’m sure you do!! (^_^) <3 Aunt Bev

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