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Fowl Quest

I am hosting my church dinner group tomorrow. I told them we would be having Thanksgiving dinner in April. I plan to cook a turkey and make mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmm… They are bringing green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Mmm…

Finding a turkey has been harder than I thought. I finally found it at the sixth grocery store I visited . Before that, I found turkey breasts in one place, and I found cornish game hens, ducks, geese, chickens, and capons (whatever those are).

I’m a little surprised. I mean, I don’t ever cook turkey other than on Thanksgiving, but I would think other people would, wouldn’t they? Maybe not.

Apparently, it's a castrated male chicken that's been fattened for eating.

Apparently, it’s a castrated male chicken that’s been fattened for eating.


  1. Deborah

    That is a great idea! I’m surprised, too, that turkeys are not around.

  2. Lauren

    Mmmmm…. what time is dinner?

  3. Jill

    My mouth is watering…

  4. Carol

    Butcher’s daughter chiming in here: the “KAY-pon” preceded the era of buying just a chicken breast. I’d frankly not seen one in food liners of late – thanks for showing that they are still being raised and sold. (Poor eunuch roosters…)

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