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It seems like all the milk companies are switching over to a new milk jug shape. I was suspicious at first, because I thought maybe it was also a change in amount, like four pound bags of sugar, or fourteen ounce bags of coffee. It’s still a gallon. It’s just a new shape. Instead of having square shoulders, like a 1980’s womens blazer, it has round shoulders, like a skinny person with poor posture.

I was going to just take a picture of the new style, but then realized the jug in my refrigerator was the old style.  I could do a comparison!  Nice.

I was going to just take a picture of the new style, but then realized the jug in my refrigerator was the old style. I could do a comparison! Nice.

I wonder if this is just a local phenomenon, or if milk jugs are changing shape all over the place.


  1. Deborah

    I have not seen this change yet.

  2. Lauren

    “Like a skinny person with poor posture.” I laughed out loud! That milk jug needs some shoulder pads.

  3. Kristi

    Nothing doing up in these here parts.

  4. Brent

    Now with added bleach!

  5. Jill

    Best description ever. HA!! And yes to the bleach comment by Brent!!

  6. Kristi

    Milk, in any package, goes best with Oreo cookies.

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