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A Day at Home

I was home all day yesterday. I unpacked, then sat around, then unpacked, then sat around. Despite all the sitting around, I made some really good progress. It’s a little difficult to unpack some things without having furniture to put it in or on.

I think I’d like to have a dresser, but since I don’t have my truck yet, I will hold off on buying one. Instead, I just stacked empty boxes and covered them with bedspreads. Voila! Instant clothing storage. It looks a little dorm-room-ish, but I think I can deal with it for a couple of weeks.

Looking good...

Looking good…

...and now it looks messy

…and now it looks messy

And a final note: I did see a gecko outside the door in the morning. I have a Doorman! Yay!

I was careful so it didn't jump into the aparment.

I was careful so it didn’t jump into the aparment.


  1. Lauren

    I applaud your storage solution and don’t think it looks dorm-room-ish at all. It’s quite clever. I thought that you were going to cut the flaps off and stack/tape them cubby-style under the bedspread. (I think I might be around a lot of cubbies.)

    I love the pictures! Hi, gecko! By the way, you’d be very proud of me – I picked up my co-worker’s bearded dragon lizard yesterday to let her run around the classroom. I think I could stand next to a gecko now.

  2. Carol

    “This is Carlton, your doorman” Hope you have a way for him to buzz into your apartment like Carlton on “Rhoda”. Yea for unpacking! Looks like you already purchased a bed (or they packed it to look brand new for the move!) – glad you’re not sleeping as if at camp (on the hard dirt/floor). Yea for progress!!

  3. Debbie

    I just covered up a big ugly Rubbermaid bin (that’s in the dining room for lack of space anywhere else) with a table cloth and then put a piece of glass on it (that fits with a table in the crawl space that I don’t have room for…but glass pieces are up here for safety, so been leaning behind pieces of furniture for years) and then I put some of our petrified wood on it. Voila too! Ha good grief. Good for you and your set up!

  4. Kristi

    How long will it take for your truck to arrive?

    • Brad

      The current estimate is July 28. It can’t come soon enough. If I had unlimited money, I would have sent it from Baltimore so it would have been here sooner.

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