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The Seventh Grade Teacher

I went to school yesterday. We had a meeting in the morning where we talked about the schedule. Since us teachers from 5th to 8th are all new, we were talking about what we would teach and when.

In the end, we settled on being almost completely self-contained. It’s really hard for me to think this way. Most of my middle school experience has been departmentalized. But working on the schedule with my co-workers was so encouraging, I feel good about doing this. We were having such great give-and-take, and I think we came up with something that works for us, and challenges the kids. Awesome!

So I am with the seventh graders almost all the time, except for choir with 6th, Literature with 8th, Current Events with 8th, and a cross-graded Music History class. I will not be teaching 7th Science and will instead be teaching 8th Literature. Doing something so different is a little scary, but I think it’s going to be a good choice for us. And maybe next year we’ll decide to mix it up. Everybody seems so easy going, I’m sure we will talk about how to tweak things as we go along.

I’ve fought so strongly these past years against being called “The Seventh Grade Teacher”, because I was always teaching every middle school grade. Now at last, I can fight no longer. I am indeed the seventh grade teacher.

I haven't really done anything in the room yet.

I haven’t really done anything in the room yet.


  1. Deborah

    There are many advantages to self-contained. The schedule is not so rigid and there’s more consistency. It will take a bit to adjust, I’m sure, but I think you will like it.

  2. Lauren

    So, something different, eh? Well, as Arby’s used to say, “Arby’s is different, and different is good.” Surely there’s some wisdom in there, yes?

    It is so exciting to see your classroom. That paneling is so lovely! Even the walls are gorgeous in Maui. I’m excited for you. šŸ™‚

  3. Lloyd

    Is that your same classroom as before?

    • Brad

      It isn’t the same room. I’m right next door though, so it looks similar. I’m still in the modular rooms over by the church sanctuary.

  4. Carol

    Self-contained perks with some variety (literature, music, etc.) – my first year of teaching was like that in St. Louis. I had all 5th graders in the morning and until 1 pm – then departmentalized science in the afternoons. I was indeed one of the fifth grade teachers but also the life science lady – the best of both worlds, I thought. You’ll be great at all that, Brad; embrace and enjoy it. Best news I read? working collegially again with your peers. Yea for teamwork!

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