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Chapel Day

We had our first chapel of the year today. It was great. The singing wasn’t as hearty as I remember, but maybe they just need to get warmed up. I’m doing choir for middle school, so I’ll get a chance to sing songs with them in a small-group setting. I’m looking forward to it.

This was our first song.

This was our first song.

The seventh grade is Chapel Buddies to the second grade. I sat next to and behind two second graders. They were super-cute and we introduced ourselves. The one next to me noticed I was wearing Converse brand shoes. She was wearing Converse too, and was delighted. 🙂


  1. Carol

    Awwww….adorable shoe story! And I see your new school uses at least one of the songs that had become popular at our former school’s chapels in recent years – a little touch of home there. SO glad to read you will have middle school choir; that is one of the special gifts the Lord has given you. I mean that. Always loved how you would teach and lead songs in chapel here. Rock on, sir.

    • Brad

      Thanks. It was good to see that familiar song. The other ones we sang were unfamiliar. Good, but unfamiliar. They have their own set of songs here. But I think it will be fun to teach the choirs some new ones.

  2. Lauren

    Fantastic! What a great start to the year. Are some of your seventh graders children who used to be….. third graders (?) when you were there? Wait. It was winter of 2013. Were they second graders when you were there? How off am I?

    Even the window coverings in Hawaii are lovely! Is that a large roller blind or stained glass?

    • Brad

      I haven’t figured out what the eighth-graders were when I was here before. I am seeing a lot of younger siblings though, which is kind of fun. Some of them bear a striking resemblance to their older siblings.

      And I believe that is some kind of stained glass.

  3. Kim

    Chapel would be lovely. Our girls come back August 30, so I still have some time to goof off and plan for the school year. I am alternating days of goof and plan. Today I am in school, tomorrow I goof off. Praying for wonderful start of the school year for you and all the teachers.

    • Brad

      Thanks for the prayers. Enjoy your goof off days! I’m still trying to get into the “get up early” schedule. It’s not working so well because I’m staying up late. Mornings include lots of coffee.

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