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Last weekend, I saw a piano on Craigslist. I drove Upcountry to check it out, and decided that even though it sounded kind of rough, I would take it, because the owner was donating it to school. It was free! Woo hoo!

I went to get it along with some volunteers yesterday. I was worried we wouldn’t be able to carry it, but it worked out. Yay! I’m so grateful to the guys who helped carry it.

Josh is wearing flip-flops and walking backward while he lifts a piano.

Josh is wearing flip-flops and walking backward while he lifts a piano.

I won’t be able to use it until it’s tuned, but I’m so happy to have it in my room!


  1. Brady Gurganious

    Our family also got a free piano and it looks similar to yours. What is the brand and year of the one you received?

    • Brad

      It’s a Baldwin. I don’t know the year. It looks younger than it is because the previous owner refinished it. It’s really quite nice looking.

  2. Lauren

    You guys are amazing! Well done, piano movers!

    Your mom said she can send a tuning fork, and I have a tuning wrench for the wires. (I tried to tune a thrift-store piano long ago and was no good at it.) Do you want to try your hand at it? I’d gladly send these things your way! (Using cajoling voice now:) It’s time-consuming and difficult….

    • Brad

      The tuning it needs will be beyond any amateur abilities. It’s probably at “two visit” tune job, where the tuner can only tighten the strings a certain amount, and will have to come back again.

  3. Kristi

    Let the music-making begin!!!

  4. Debbie Fettig

    My dad has two pianos in his shop that he can’t get rid of……too bad you couldn’t have one of those. Would have been free too except for the million to get it there! LOL

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