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A Low-key Day

We were off of school yesterday because of Hawaii Admission Day. I slept in, because I’ve slowly become sleep deprived over the last couple of weeks. Then I went in to school. My goal was to figure out the grade book software we use.

While I was there, the piano tuner came. He said the piano needs some work. He said the punchings need adjusting. They are the pads under the keys that determine how far down the keys go. He also said it needed three tunings. This free piano is costing a lot of money. But he did say it was a nice instrument and was worth the investment. My pastor was there and is in favor of spending the money, but we’ll need to check with my principal.

I couldn’t figure out the grading software. It was frustrating and made me feel old, so I left.

I stopped at Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Walmart to walk their garden centers. It was awesome. At one of the places, I saw a banana shrub. I’ve seen them in mail order catalogs, but never in real life. They are a relative of magnolia trees, and the flowers smell like bananas. I checked them, and they did! It was amazing!

Pretty little flowers...

Pretty little flowers…


  1. Lauren

    I hear you with the feeling old thing. We are using new software for ordering lunches, and while it’s not difficult, getting to the actual ‘ordering’ place requires me to remember several steps, and I have to stop and think (or guess) every single step. “Where is that?”

    Sorry the piano is a pain, but how amazing that there is a piano tuner in Maui!

  2. Carol

    You made ME feel BETTER hearing that my former in-building go-to tech guy is being thwarted by software. Thank you for that. But seriously – hope you conquer it soon so you can enter assessment data that will help your students and take future pressure off you.

    So…will you be purchasing banana shrubs for your apartment balcony or classroom any time soon? I mean, who wouldn’t want to have a plant that looks magnolia-ish but smells banana bread-ish?!

  3. Debbie Fettig

    My dad would be happy that you are taking care of the piano and also agree that it’s a good investment. 🙂 You know, you still have to use detergent and wash a free hand me down item! What?

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