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I hardly ever hear my name out in the wild. There’s been an insurance commercial on TV for a while now where the lady talks about naming your car “Brad”. It always catches my ear. Yesterday while I was watching TV, I heard a different commercial where someone was named Brad. It was so exciting! Shortly after that, a McDonald’s coffee commercial came on, and the guy said “Brad”. Wow! TWO commercials besides the insurance one.

And then I saw this on the Lowe’s commercial:

It blew mind mind. Three times in a row my name appears in a commercial? Cool!


  1. Lauren

    Um, don’t you have to appear in a mirror somewhere now?

  2. Gretchen

    Relatable! I rarely hear my name, so when I do I just assume someone is talking about me. Once I was watching the morning news and the meterologist said, “And that’s the weather, Gretchen.” I nearly jumped off the couch…then I realized he was talking to the news anchor, Gretchen Carlson. Duh.

  3. Debbie Fettig

    What if names were like phone numbers and there couldn’t be more than one??? THEN I would be the only Debbie in the world!!! Unless I had to change my number? Hhmmm

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